1) Information we collect
We collect different kinds of informations from or about your device for debug purposes and app improvement only. On crash, we collect some device informations (like operating system, hardware version, device settings and device identifiers) and the action you have done before the crash.
All data we collect are Non-Personally Identifiable Information Only.

2) Usage of these informations
We use all of the informations we have to help us improve our apps and provide you a better user experience.

3) Information sharing
We don’t share any information of any kind from or about you with Third-Party Partners or Customers.

4) Policy changes
All modification of any kind of these privacy policy will be noticed on this page. Do not hesitate to come back to have a look on our privacy policy

5) Permissions used in Android App
- android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE : this permission is used to be able to check phone state. - android.permission.GEOLOCATION : this permission is used to link maps.